Join Mayor Karen Bass; Dr. Lura Daniels-Ball, President, Our Authors Study Club, Inc.; Los Angeles City Council President, Marqueece Harris-Dawson, Councilmember, Eighth District; Councilmember Traci Park, Eleventh District; Bob Blumenfield, Councilmember, Third District; Curren D. Price, Jr., Councilmember, Ninth District; Heather Hutt, Councilmember, Tenth District; the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA); Yvonne Wheeler, Our Authors Study Club 2025 African American Heritage Month General Chair, President Los Angeles County Federation of Labor; and, the Our Authors Study Club 2025 African American Heritage Month Committee for the annual oratorical contest finals*.
Using the annual Black History theme, high school students write and orate an original essay. The students are encouraged to think deeply and broadly about the subject, focusing on the impact of the theme on past, present, and future Black society. The young people are offered coaching and support over the weeks leading up to the competition. This year’s Association for the Study of African American Life and History national theme is African Americans and Labor.
At this event, finalist presents their orations in six minutes to a panel of judges. They are scored on content, presentation, and persuasion. Students receive cash and other prizes.
* Read the full executive summary on the 2024 theme, African Americans and Labor, online at