Register below for Summer Arts Camp at Center for the Arts Eagle Rock. Please note your registration will not be complete until payment has been received.
You can register and pay for Family Membership here: Family Membership
PAYPAL: You will receive a link at the end of this form.
CREDIT CARD: Call (323) 561-3044 x 221 to process payment.Week 1: July 17-21: Enchanted Planet
8:30am – Optional Extended Care Early Drop-off9:00am – Camper Drop-off
9:00am-9:30am – Warm-up Activities
9:30-10am: Introduction, Movement/Yoga/Stretching, Group Warm-up Activity
10am-11am: First Class (campers will rotate with their groups throughout the day to attend all classes within Arts, Exploration, and Performance)
11am-12pm: Lunch
12pm-12:15: Movement, Transitional Activity
12:15pm-1:15pm: Second Class(campers will rotate with their groups throughout the day to attend all classes within Arts, Exploration, and Performance)
1:15pm-1:30pm: Snack
1:30-2:30pm: Third Class (campers will rotate with their groups throughout the day to attend all classes within Arts, Exploration, and Performance)
2:30pm -3pm: Camper Early Pick-up/Free Play/Closing Circle
3pm- Camper Pick-up
3-3:30pm- Optional Extended Care
Late Pickups after 3:30 PM will result in a late fee
Cancellations must be made 2 weeks in advance of the first week of Camp’s start or a 20% administration fee will be incurred. Cancellations made the week before the start of camp will incur a 30% administrative fee. Cancellations made after the start of camp onward, including cancellations due to camper illness do not qualify for a refund. Please read our illnesses policy section in the camp handbook carefully for more information. If a camper is dismissed from camp due to behavioral issues, tuition will not be refunded. Please read our Emotional, Behavioral, Social section in the camp handbook for more information.
Registration is first come, first served. Once the 45 camper capacity has been met per week, we will close registration for that week.