The Crazy Superhero Vacation is a production by Ms. Neate’s class at Vena Avenue Elementary. Animation and editing are by Pieter Hardeman of Toy Story Lab. Southland Sings is a creative organization using the arts to unlock creative potential through live opera, musical theatre production, education assemblies, and music composition for all ages.
The Crazy Superhero Vacation
:Upcoming Events
Port Traits – Exhibition
Port Traits pays tribute to the work of late AGCC Studio Artists Scott Brown and Slobodan Dimitrov. The exhibition features a selection of paintings by Brown and his alias, Butcher John Henry (a collaboration with artist Logan Fox), in addition to black and white film photographs by Dimitrov. With over 25 years of history at the Center, Scott Brown and Slobodan Dimitrov will be remembered for their impact on the San Pedro community. Scott Brown was a painter, photographer, and…
Hope and Dignity: The Farmworker Movement
The photo exhibition aims to capture the dual struggle faced by farmworkers, encompassing their hope for a better economic future for themselves and their families through the formation of a strong union, as well as their quest for dignity and recognition as human beings and citizens. The exhibition specifically focuses on the early years of the farmworkers’ struggle, which include the grape strike, the boycott, the first march or pilgrimage from Delano to Sacramento, the initial efforts to organize workers…
Lincoln Heights Youth Arts Center’s Inaugural Exhibition: Justice in our Barrios, Paz al Mundo: A Moratorium on War and Carrying the Legacy Forward
Justice in our Barrios, Paz al Mundo: A Moratorium on War and Carrying the Legacy Forward, the inaugural exhibition of the Lincoln Heights Youth Arts Center (LHYAC). The exhibition features the personal archive of Rosalio Muñoz, peace activist, social justice organizer, youth mentor with roots in Lincoln Heights and Highland Park, and a Co-Founder of the Chicano Moratorium. Muñoz life’s work underscores the importance of asking ourselves how we can continue building people power and agency and that, together, we…
Tours of the Watts Towers
The Watts Towers Tour Guide Program offers visitors a unique and in-depth look at one of Los Angeles’ most iconic landmarks. Participants will be guided by knowledgeable tour guides through the towers, learning about the history, cultural significance, and artistic processes involved in their creation. The tour, which is the only way to gain access to the towers, will last approximately 30 minutes and highlight the life of Simon Rodia, the Italian immigrant who built the towers over a 33-year period,…
Hollyhock House Tours
Experience the interior of Hollyhock House at your own pace with a self-guided tour. Docents are on hand to provide information and answer questions. Guidebooks are also available for visitors to use in the house. Tickets on sale now through January. Tickets for February will be released in December. If it says NO EVENTS on the purchasing calendar that indicates tours are sold out for that date or Hollyhock House is closed. Questions? Email