The Crazy Superhero Vacation is a production by Ms. Neate’s class at Vena Avenue Elementary. Animation and editing are by Pieter Hardeman of Toy Story Lab. Southland Sings is a creative organization using the arts to unlock creative potential through live opera, musical theatre production, education assemblies, and music composition for all ages.
The Crazy Superhero Vacation
:Upcoming Events
Hola Mexico Film Festival
The festival strives to connect the audience to Mexico through cultural entertainment, creating the most authentic experience. The festival is for all audiences, and every event is open to the general public. Every film has English subtitles.
We Live in Painting: The Nature of Color in Mesoamerican Art
Mesoamerican artists held a cosmic responsibility: as they adorned the surfaces of buildings, clay vessels, textiles, bark-paper pages, and sculptures with color, they (quite literally) made the world. Color mapped the very order of the cosmos, of time and space. The exhibition explores the science, art, and cosmology of color in Mesoamerica. See website for ticket prices and registration.
LéaLA – Spanish Book Fair & Literary Festival 2024
LéaLA, the premier Spanish Book Fair & Literary Festival, returns from September 19-22, 2024, at LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes located at 501 N. Main Street in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. Organized by the University of Guadalajara Foundation USA, this year’s event, themed Building Peace Together, celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month by honoring the rich traditions, language, and culture of the Latino community through literature, art, and intellectual dialogue. As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, LéaLA will highlight…
Port Traits – Exhibition
Port Traits pays tribute to the work of late AGCC Studio Artists Scott Brown and Slobodan Dimitrov. The exhibition features a selection of paintings by Brown and his alias, Butcher John Henry (a collaboration with artist Logan Fox), in addition to black and white film photographs by Dimitrov. With over 25 years of history at the Center, Scott Brown and Slobodan Dimitrov will be remembered for their impact on the San Pedro community. Scott Brown was a painter, photographer, and…
Lincoln Heights Youth Arts Center’s Inaugural Exhibition: Justice in our Barrios, Paz al Mundo: A Moratorium on War and Carrying the Legacy Forward
Justice in our Barrios, Paz al Mundo: A Moratorium on War and Carrying the Legacy Forward, the inaugural exhibition of the Lincoln Heights Youth Arts Center (LHYAC). The exhibition features the personal archive of Rosalio Muñoz, peace activist, social justice organizer, youth mentor with roots in Lincoln Heights and Highland Park, and a Co-Founder of the Chicano Moratorium. Muñoz life’s work underscores the importance of asking ourselves how we can continue building people power and agency and that, together, we…