The City requires that each owner of a private development project, valued at $500,000 or more, pay an arts fee based on the square footage of the building or one-percent of the project’s Building and Safety permit valuation, whichever is lower. A private developer may choose either to work with DCA to oversee their own site-specific ADF-funded art project (“developer-led project”) or to pay the fee associated with their project (“paid-in fee”). For the paid-in fees, DCA maintains a trust fund of segregated project accounts to fund future DCA programming that benefits the users at each project address.
The City of Los Angeles occasionally sends out requests for proposals or qualifications for public art opportunities. To find out more about these artist opportunities: Join Our Email List
Frequently Asked Questions
The ADF ordinance was established in 1991 and can be found in the City’s charter under section 91.107.
The ADF is calculated for development projects that have a construction value of $500,000 or greater. The following types of development are subject to the fee: office, retail, manufacturing, warehouse, and hotel. The fee is calculated based on the square footage. In no event shall the required arts fee exceed either $1.57 per gross square foot of any structure authorized by the permit or one percent of the valuation of the project designated on the permit, whichever is lower, as determined by the Department of Building and Safety.
Office, retail, manufacturing, warehouse, and hotels. Residential units and parking structures are exempt.
At the time the developer visits LADBS, they will be presented with two options: directly pay the fee into the trust fund or enter into an advance Agreement with the Department of Cultural Affairs. These are considered “developer-led” projects because the project DCA works with the Developer to fulfill the art requirement.
Acceptable art projects range from traditional hart-art to programming such as dance or educational arts workshops.
If the fee is paid at LADBS no further action is required, and there is not a refund opportunity. DCA manages the fees that are deposited into the fund and provides arts and cultural programming in alignment with the ordinance.
The ADF Trust Fund is utilized according to the ordinance and the Cultural Masterplan and is utilized to support and create city-wide initiatives that benefit the general public.
In the event that this scenario occurs, DCA would cash-out on the financial security that was provided as collateral at the start of the project. This would fulfill the ADF obligation.
The City Attorney’s office has approved two financial instruments: Letter of Credit or Certificate of Deposit.
The Agreements range between 2.5 – 3 years and coincide with a standard construction schedule. A developer has this amount of time to complete the project, as stipulated in the Final Art Plan.
DCA strongly encourages LA-based artists, but it is not a requirement. In the event that a non-LA-based artist is selected, DCA highly recommends utilizing local fabricators and manufacturers. Additionally, all artists must meet specific criteria.
DCA is able to recommend artists that are on our pre-qualified rosters based on the nature of the proposed project.